Advancing the European Commission’s Multilingual Support Project for SMEs

The European Commission has long been at the forefront of driving innovation and development, particularly within small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). To promote internationalization efforts of SMEs and foster global collaborations, the Commission initiated a key project supported by Studio Sottile; an accomplished IT company well known for their project and IT quality control support capabilities.


Supporting Small and Medium Enterprise Internationalization With Multilingual Assistance

The first project, due for completion by 2023, addresses the difficulties small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) experience when trying to establish global presence. One significant challenge facing such ventures is effective communication with an international  audience supporting multiple languages – Studio Sottile has collaborated closely with the European Commission in controlling the quality of an effective language barrier-breaking solution.


Studio Sottile’s expertise in IT and Quality Control solutions allows the European Commission to drive the implementation of various plugins compatible with popular content management systems (CMSs), including WordPress, Drupal, Joomla and hybrid solutions. These plugins enable SMEs to seamlessly incorporate multilingual features powered by EC eTranslator into websites, mobile applications, and other forms of communication channels – opening up greater business opportunities through global market expansion and engaging an international audience more efficiently.


eTranslation: A Cutting-Edge Neural Machine Translation Service

At the core of this multilingual support project lies eTranslation, a state-of-the-art neural machine translation service provided by the European Commission. Officially launched on 15 November 2017 after replacing earlier statistical system MT@EC, this modern translation solution offers advanced capabilities and capabilities.


eTranslation excels at producing raw machine translations, helping users grasp the general meaning of texts quickly. Its output serves as an effective starting point for further human-quality translation by skilled professional translators; however, for truly accurate and high-quality translations requiring professional expertise alone is indispensable.


As important as eTranslation may be in facilitating multilingual communication, it’s also essential to recognize other translation solutions on the market – both free and commercial services like Deepl, Google Translate and Microsoft Translator.


Existing Translation Solutions

While eTranslation plays a vital role in facilitating multilingual communication, it is essential to acknowledge the presence of other translation solutions in the market. Both free and commercial services, such as Deepl, Google Translate, Microsoft Translator, and more, offer translation options for various languages. SMEs have the flexibility to explore these alternatives based on their specific needs and requirements.


Quality Control Is of Vital Importance

Studio Sottile has consistently upheld rigorous quality assurance processes during project execution, guaranteeing all requirements set forth by contributing companies and research centers are met without exception (“/services/quality-control/”), Studio Sottile underscored its important role in project success.


Quality Control offers many advantages.

Implementing comprehensive quality control practices has many advantages. Not only does it ensure error-free deliverables, but it also instills trust among stakeholders and end-users by adhering to international standards governing reliability. Furthermore, effective quality control enhances project efficiency, minimizes errors cost effectively and boosts overall project success rates.




Studio Sottile’s contributions to the European Commission’s Multilingual Support Project will play a pivotal role in aiding SMEs on their path towards internationalization. By creating user-friendly plugins and incorporating eTranslation’s advanced services, Studio Sottile has helped enable these businesses to communicate effectively with a global audience.


As this project unfolds, Studio Sottile and their partnership with the European Commission demonstrate the power of technology in bridging linguistic gaps and creating inclusive global interactions. With their expertise and dedication, Studio Sottile remains at the forefront of driving innovation and digital transformation across Europe – creating an accessible future for SMEs worldwide.


Quality can be defined in many different ways. We will look as some of the most comonly used definitions:

Quality is the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bears on its ability to satisfy given needs.
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

Quality is conformance to requirements.
Philip Crosby

Quality is fitness for use
Dr. Joseph M. Juran, Quality pioneer and major contributor to quality management

Fitness for use = Providing the right features + free from deficiencies

At Studio Sottile we like to of quality using this last definition. A product or service has good quality if it provides the right features free from deficiencies.

In addition the right features can command a higher price and still attract customers.

The value stream of products or services with higher features should still be free of deficiencies.

For value stream is the combination of processes, resources and information use to develop, make and deliver the products or services.

It is also essential to keep quality across time and locations by eliminating variations in the value stream.

Variations is a change in data, characteristic or function caused by one of four factors: special causes, common causes, tampering or structural variation.
American Society for Quality (ASQ)


SaaS (Software as a Service) is a software distribution model in which a cloud provider hosts applications and makes them available to end users over the internet. SaaS is one of three main categories of cloud computing, alongside infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS).


PaaS (Platform as a Service). Cloud platform services, also known as Platform as a Service (PaaS), provide cloud components to certain software while being used mainly for applications. PaaS delivers a framework for developers that they can build upon and use to create customized applications


Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) is an instant computing infrastructure, provisioned and managed over the internet. It helps you avoid the expense and complexity of buying and managing your own physical servers and other datacenter infrastructure.

Technical Audit

Technical audit (TA) is an audit performed by an auditor, engineer or subject-matter expert. It evaluates deficiencies or areas of improvement in a process, system or proposal. Technical audit covers the technical aspects of the project implemented in the organization.

Technical Requirements

A technical requirement document, also known as a product requirement document, defines the functionality, features, and purpose of a product that you’re going to build. Assumptions, Risks, and Dependencies: Factors affecting the project and requirements.


ITIL (formerly Information Technology Infrastructure Library) is a set of detailed practices for IT service management (ITSM) that focuses on aligning IT services with the needs of business.


Agile software development refers to software development methodologies centered round the idea of iterative development, where requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration between self-organizing cross-functional teams. Scrum and Kanban are two of the most widely used Agile methodologies.


PPC stands for pay-per-click, a model of internet marketing in which advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. It allows advertisers to bid for ad placement in a search engine’s sponsored links when someone searches on a keyword that is related to their business offering